Monday, October 24, 2011

Primary Program

Kinnie had her first Primary program yesterday.  She was pretty excited about it and she said she was "curious."  I don't think she quite knew what it would be like to be up on the stand with a congregation full of people.  She did a great job and said her part all by herself, she was so brave! The Sunbeams even had a verse of "I Love to See the Temple" to sing all by themselves and she did great.

I only wished I could have sat and watched her the whole time.  I had a good experience though playing the piano for the program, and it is fun to be in Primary with Kinnie (even though she sometimes forgets I am the one playing the piano).  I was REALLY nervous to play for the program.   I don't play in front of people very often.  When I got my calling as Primary Pianist I was even nervous to play in Primary!  It is kind of ridiculous, I hate how nervous and anxious I get about things.  I couldn't go to sleep the night before and a had a nightmare that I messed up every song and everyone kept giving me looks of disgust.  I was so glad when I woke up!  I ran through a few songs before we left for church which was helpful.  When we got to church 10 minutes early there were already so many families and friends there to watch.  Then the 2nd counselor in the bishopric asked me to play prelude music.  I really didn't want to but I told him I could and then realized I would be playing the hymns too!  It actually ended up being a huge blessing that I was asked to do that (and that I said I would) because it really helped me feel comfortable up there in front of everyone.  I could feel my heart beating my whole body at first!  Everything turned out great though and I was thankful my nightmare didn't come true!  The children did such an amazing job and the Spirit was felt so strongly throughout the meeting.  It was so neat to be able to feel the difference of the Spirit during the actual meeting compared to the practices.  There were so many people in the congregation who were visiting and I am sure they were touched by the sweet spirit that was present. 


Lisa Chin said...

Yay Kinnie! Yay Nicole! You two are growing and learning together. It's amazing how much we grow up with our children. I know I am still learning so much from mine.

supertosha said...

I had no idea you were ever nervous to play. I guess because you do it so well! Kinnie did a great job, and you were right, the Spirit was felt in that meeting!