Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another update

Getting ready to play in the first REAL snowstorm here.  Kinnie played in it for about an hour and a half, until we had to make her come inside.  Andrew lasted a good half hour, I was surprised.  He came in looking kind of miserable and in a daze.

I frosted, they decorated.  Kinnie told me where she wanted everything and I put the frosting on.  They are very proud of their gingerbread house.

Kinnie is counting down the days until we can go to Salt Lake.  She never forgets to take a link off of our chain...only 9 more days.  She is so incredibly excited for Christmas.  I love this age so much!  She keeps adding things to her list though and it is throwing me off.  At least I haven't done too much shopping yet and can still decide what she REALLY wants, and still keep it simple.  She is so excited for this baby and gives me hugs all of the time and rests her head on my tummy.  She lets me know everyday how excited she is for the baby to come.  It is going to be a long wait!

Andrew is loving life.  He is hilarious lately and the best part is that he thinks he is so funny and cracks himself up.  The other night when he was crawling off the top bunk to get into his, he was telling Kinnie goodnight, just like every night.  But he said "No night night Ninnie (Kinnie)" over and over and was laughing so hard.  Yesterday as I was upstairs I heard him singing a song downstairs that went like this "Caillou, Barney, Boos Poos (Blue's Clues)" over and over.  He loves to "chrackle" (tackle) Landon and run around.  He is still so sensitive and has the saddest face when he cries.  I love to watch him brush his tears away.

Landon just started finals yesterday.  He is also REALLY excited to have a break and to go home for Christmas.  I don't even know how he does it.  How he studies for so many tests I will never know.  I remember in college feeling like 3 or 4 finals was soooo much and felt so sorry for myself.  The good thing is, is that he is really enjoying dentistry.

I am counting down the days until Thursday.  I am so excited to find out if baby is a boy or a girl but I am most excited to know how baby is doing.  Landon has two tests that afternoon so it will be weird to be all alone for that appointment.  These first 18 weeks have gone by so slowly so I hope after Christmas that things pick up.


Lisa Chin said...

The kids are growing up so fast. They are so adorable and I love hearing that Andrew cracks himself up. It will be fun to see what kind of a teenager he will be!

Sara said...

9 more days!!!!!
We can't wait!