Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mostly Pictures...

Andrew is obsessed with Otter Pops. I gave him one a couple of weeks ago when he was getting some new teeth. Now whenever he sees one he cries for it.

He is a standing up boy these days. He thinks walking is a big funny game so when Landon and I try to have him walk to each other he laughs his head off, takes a couple of steps and falls forward. He walks best when he doesn't think about it and is totally on his own.

There have been some crazy storms lately so we brought the fun inside.

The storm. This is at 9:00 am. Notice the parking lot light is on. The weather is crazy here. I guess it is just new. I would probably be surprised by the weather anywhere besides Utah.

Kinnie and a box. She likes to play with a few empty boxes we have, building castles or trains or just sitting in them and watching movies.

We are still getting used to the idea of living here. We are settled but it is still an adjustment. Landon is enjoying school and learning so many new things. I pretty much go grocery shopping but I am trying to be more social. I take Kinnie and Andrew on the swings by our house a lot and we play in the wading pool a lot. We will be more adjusted in a few weeks just in time to go back to Salt Lake at the end of July. I can't wait though!


Sara said...

Oh my goodness!
Andrew is so old!
I love that he thinks walking is just a funny game.
I also love that Kinnie has a bag on her shoulder in the pool.

I seriously can not wait!! You're visit can't come soon enough.

Andrea W. said...

Oh, it's so good to see your cute kiddies in all the photos. Joshy wigs out if anyone eats a popsicle or otter pot without giving him most of it. Loved how much Andrew loved that otter pop. I feel a little sad that Joshy is getting much more junk much earlier than my older kids did. Sigh, oh well. It's hard to start a whole new routine and get to know new people. It will come though, hope to see you guys when you're visiting!

Lisa Chin said...

It's difficult to make new friends unless you step forward and make an effort.

I love how kids love boxes more than purchased toys! Have a safe journey back next month.

Jessie said...

Great post! Thanks for the pictures and the updates.

Mallory Bell said...

How Cute! give them both a big smooch for me, i miss them so much. Love you guys!