I really can't believe Andrew is 3 weeks old today! I could believe it if he was 2 weeks, but not 3! Pretty soon he is not going to be considered a newborn anymore. We are all in love with our little guy and I personally just can't get enough of him. He is such a sweet baby boy and is becoming more and more alert. He is really starting to fill out and chunk up. He loves to cuddle and make little puppy dog noises when he sleeps. I am doing so much better and was surprised at how quick everything turned around for me. It felt like one day all of my discomforts and troubles were gone. Not that what I went through was horrible but it was worrisome and I know some prayers were answered. I am so amazed at how well Kinnie has adjusted to Andrew and I can already tell they are going to be best buds. She was very proud that I was letting her hold him all by herself in this picture!
We had a fun time in Bear Lake this past weekend at a family reunion on Landon's side. We had fun being with family and enjoying the lake. Kinnie loved the lake, the sand, the playground, her aunts and uncle, grandma and grandpa, cousin Owen, playing on the grass and running around. I was horrible at taking a lot of pictures, I didn't even get one of Andrew on his first vacation which makes me really sad and I really regret it. Hopefully I will get over it soon. Here are a few fun pictures from the weekend.
It was so good to see you guys there. You're so brave to come with such a little one. You have the cutest kids ever!
Wow he is so cute! Isn't it amazing how fast it goes, I mean everyone tells you that and in the moment you don't feel that way but then all of a sudden they are months old and not weeks it's crazy. I am glad you are doing better that really helps with everything.
What a cutie! It looks like you guys had a fun trip! Kinnie is a way cute big sister. You guys have such a cute little family. I hope we can see you soon!!
He is so cute and so it Kinnie!! The picture of Kinnie holding Andrew is so sweet!! Glad you are doing better.
You got some cute pictures!
You were such a trooper with a newborn on that trip!!!!
It was so great to see you guys at Bear Lake...especially your little Andrew, what a sweetie! Good luck with that little guy :)
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