Again I have to say thank you to all of you for your advice. However, we are back at square one. After two days, yes just two days, Kinnie came down with a cold and I was not about to let her cry anymore when I knew she was not feeling well; sneezing, congested, couldn't breath...Actually, I am pretty happy she got a cold because that gave me a great excuse to quit. The day after I gave up, as I was just putting Kinnie in her crib who was sound asleep in my arms, after reading books and rocking with her, I realized how content we both were at the time. I will try again in a couple of weeks...perhaps, and not do such a "cold turkey" approach but maybe something a little more subtle. I think I was trying so hard to follow the book and was so excited for it to work, but didn't realize at the time that it wasn't my style and didn't really suit Kinnie.
Kinnie is so into baby dolls lately. Her aunt Lindie let her borrow this one and bring it home the other day. Kinnie played with it for about a half hour straight, she was busy carrying it back and forth from her infant car seat to a big box in our basement. After she took a nap she played with it some more. I put it in a push toy that she has and we took it outside for a walk, she loved that! When she woke up the next morning she saw the baby on the couch and was soooo excited to see it again. We returned that baby to Lindie and Grandma Bell sent us home with another little baby doll. She has had just as much fun with it as the first one. We are also borrowing a stuffed brown, cozy dog that she loves too. Maybe I should make a check-out list for everything.

My mom kept a few of my clothes I wore when I was little and I brought some of them home before Kinnie was born. Not that they are in style or anything but I just wanted them to have. I hung up a nightgown of mine in her closet and decided to try it on Kinnie last night. It fit so well and she looked really cozy in it, I had to post a picture of her in it. My Grandpa Herman's brother's wife made it. Pretty amazing to be able to sew like that. I wish I could!
Last but not least. Landon has been invited to four interviews for dental school so far. We are so excited. Landon first heard from Nova in Florida, then USC, Marquette in Wisconsin and Dalhousie in Canada. As we have been receiving the invites I have thought how we might be living in one of these places next year. It is really weird for me to even think about because I can't imagine being away from family. It is kind of like I just think about it for a few seconds and then distract myself with something else before I start feeling scared or sick. It will be hard but a fun adventure I'm sure. His interviews are within the next couple of months so wish him luck!